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About Us > Our Profile

Resort Suppliers Maldives, a division of Simdi Company Pvt.Ltd, is the largest distributor of Resort-ware in the Maldives. Established in 1988, the company has become one of the most successful and competitive suppliers of cost effective, state of art and quality resort-ware.

We cover a huge range and variety of products and offer quality and efficient service. The key to our past, present and future success is bound by our Company's main policy and priority : Customer Service and Customer Satisfaction!

Besides offering a wide range of products, we at RESU design both domestic and commercial kitchens.

Be it your home, a restaurant, or a resort, our innovative designs, quality fit-outs, prompt and efficient service will provide hassle-free and complete kitchen solutions for your homes, your restaurants and resorts.

The success of RESU lies on its ability to provide premium brands, and also as a provider of after-sales support, quality spare parts and excellent technical service for the machines and equipment that RESU provides. Accommodating customer needs with flexibility and care is a policy that RESU has maintained throughout the years.