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About Us > Our Values

The integral values of the RESU are set out as being innovative, performance-driven, and in exhibiting environmental leadership. Enveloping these values is the progressive attitude of the company, always alive to things that can be improved and narrowing any possibility of shortcomings to near zero.

The policy at the core of all managerial functions is our belief that all relationships, if they are to last, must be driven by mutual advantage, our determination that we must do no harm to people and to the environment and our commitment to search for constructive and creative solutions under all circumstances.

Business success in this complex and modern world demands exceptional financial performance. This is essential, but not sufficient. Lasting success demands something more from companies. It demands a determination to contribute positively to the nation, to use individual and collective talents as an innovative and creative source of energy, to learn from mistakes and to search for ways to transcend compromise.

These policies describe our aspirations. If we can fulfill them, we will indeed have earned the right to be described as one of the most creative companies of the new century.